I have been reflecting a lot lately about how thankful I am that Plexus Worldwide came in to my life 10 months ago.  In these short 10 months, I have built a very substantial business while NOT working very hard at it. My goal was to make enough to cover my van payment of $320 and I now am making 4 figures monthly.  That is a pretty good extra income, wouldn't you agree?   I have prior in home business experience with Mary Kay Cosmetics and when I compare the two experiences - Plexus and Mary Kay.....Plexus wins hands down.  This is why.......TIME.  Very simply put, I do not spend time outside of my home working my Plexus business.  I handle everything online through the website that the company provides me for $34.95 a year.  I post on facebook about the product, my results, before & after pics, etc.  I do spend time following up with customers, replying to the many questions I get about the product and business, but once again, I am sitting on my couch doing this :)

I think Mary Kay is a great company and I was very successful with it.  I became a Sales Director and won several cars.  I met some wonderful, Christian women who have remained life long friends.  However, I worked very hard and spent a LOT of time working my MK business.  I was gone many evenings during the week and most Saturdays.  The investment into the company was also significant.  Therefore, making it a bit harder to build a team.  Most people do not have much of an issue spending $34.95 to start a Plexus business.

I believe that TIME is such an issue for all of us.  We are so busy, it is hard to imagine fitting one more thing in.  Maybe you are like me.....looking for an extra income, but not willing to sacrifice TIME with your family.  I would highly encourage you to take $34.95 and try this business!  What is the worst that could happen?  

Plexus Worldwide is a relatively new company that is exploding.  There are many areas in the US that are wide open - no Plexus Ambassadors to be found!  If you are in an area where there are no Ambassadors, I can not stress enough that you need to be the first!  I am on the ground level of this company and firmly believe that I will go to the top.  You can come with me :)  Check out the facts about Plexus in the graphic below.  Now, that's amazing!  Plexus is a consumable product, so you are paid over and over for your initial customer contacts.  That is important when looking in to a business - you want a consumable product, not things you only sell once!

If you would like to get started with Plexus, it couldn't be easier!  Simply, go to my website: http://uhlenhopp.myplexusopportunity.com/ Ambassador 134395, click on "Join Plexus" and follow the prompts.  I will be notified by email that you have joined my team and I will follow up with training.  If you have any questions, please call me at (515)210-1446 or message me on my fb page: https://www.facebook.com/plexusbeth
If you've been thinking about joining Plexus, it's a great time! I just got this email from the company offering new ambassadors $10 off their Welcome Pack! The company rarely runs specials, so take advantage! I did a little math and found that depending on which Welcome Pack you choose, you really can join the company for only $9.00 more than a retail order of Slim and Accelerator would cost you.....plus as an ambassador, you would get all of your future purchases at cost. WHAT?!?! THAT'S CRAZY!!! AS IF THAT WEREN'T ENOUGH, I AM OFFERING TO REIMBURSE THAT $9.00 FOR ALL NEW AMBASSADORS WHO JOIN MY TEAM AND PURCHASE A WELCOME PACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT, DEC. 31, 2013!!! YOU WILL BASICALLY BE ABLE TO JOIN FOR FREE  YOUR TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT FROM PLEXUS & MYSELF WILL BE $19.00. YOUR $10 DISCOUNT FROM THE COMPANY WILL BE TAKEN DIRECTLY OFF YOUR ENROLLMENT TOTAL. TO GET THE $9.00 REIMBURSEMENT FROM ME, YOU MUST COMMENT "HAPPY NEW YEAR" ON THIS POST.  Check out the different Welcome packs at www.plexusslim.com/uhlenhopp.  Click on "Join Plexus" to see the different options.
Hurry! Offer ends midnight eastern time on December 31, 2013!